
Всього сусідів

Подається 89,835 Neighbors in 2024.

24% Increase since 2023

Всього сімей


Подається 26,618 Families in 2024.

19% Increase since 2023


Загальна кількість прийомів їжі

695,237 Meals in 2024

10.5% Increase since 2023

It is our privilege to serve our neighbors who are new to the United States, those who have begun to put down roots in our community, and those throughout the city of Dallas who cannot quite make ends meet.

  • За минуле 15 years, ми обслуговували громаду Вікері-Медоу.
  • Наша спільнота складається з сімей з усього світу 250 країн.
  • We serve food once a week to all neighbors who need our help who reside in one of the following zip codes: 75231, 75230, 75243 and 75238. If a family comes to the pantry who resides outside of one of the four zip codes, we provide them food and a list of pantries that serve their zip code.

Thanks to our Partners, Sponsors, and people like you, we are able to continue to nourish and clothe our neighbors.

2024 was a busy year for The Clothes Closet!

All items were given at no cost to our neighbors.

  • 5,472 neighbors shopped and received clothing.
  • 2,357 Children, 3,115 Adults were served.
  • Сусіди брали те, що їм було потрібно no cost.

Holiday Joy Program

  • 1,180 children from over 483 families received gifts
  • Approximately $35,400 of toys were given to families
  • 150 families received blankets valued at $4,500
  • Project sponsors included: Hope Supply, Toys for Tots, Legacy Senior Living, Northaven Coop Preschool, and Bonaventure Knitting Group.



Всього сусідів

5,472 Neighbors Received Clothes in 2024.


Всього сімей

1,507 Families Received Clothes in 2024.

  • Total clothing given valued at $312,749
  • 668+ Coats and Jackets valued at $20,040 
  • 85 Layettes valued at $4,250
  • $44,010 of Diapers
  • $2,500 of Children’s Books

Всього елементів

43,776 Items of Clothing Given in 2024.