خدم 89,835 Neighbors in 2024.
24% Increase since 2023
خدم 26,618 Families in 2024.
19% Increase since 2023
695,237 Meals in 2024
10.5% Increase since 2023
It is our privilege to serve our neighbors who are new to the United States, those who have begun to put down roots in our community, and those throughout the city of Dallas who cannot quite make ends meet.
Thanks to our Partners, Sponsors, and people like you, we are able to continue to nourish and clothe our neighbors.
2023 was a busy year for The Clothes Closet!
All items were given at no cost to our neighbors.
Holiday Joy Program
5,314 Neighbors Received Clothes in 2023.
2,569 Families Received Clothes in 2023.
42,512 Items of Clothing Given in 2023.
شكرا لكم لزيارة موقعنا.
إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المعلومات حول خدماتنا أو ترغب في التطوع ،
يرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على VickeryMeadowNA@gmail.com.