Pantry Broken Into! Computers Taken

On Tuesday, January 28, the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry and Clothes Closet was broken into. The thief broke the Clothes Closet entry door and once inside broke the door to the diaper room which stores 4 of our computers. He then proceeded to break into the office and take 2

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Loyola New Orleans Alumni, Wolves on the Prowl, Volunteer

For the past two Novembers, the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry has been delighted to host the Dallas Alumni Chapter of Loyola University New Orleans as part of the university’s national alumni day of service, a.k.a. Wolves on the Prowl  (WOTP). The Wolves on the Prowl service day is part of

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Texas Health Dallas Hospital–Neuro Floor Lends a Hand

On Mondays, the pantry needs a lot of help. The pantry receives on average 16,000 pounds of food every Monday from the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB). So quite a few volunteers are needed to help stock the shelves with canned and dry goods, fill the refrigerators with eggs and

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The Food Lounge Volunteers at the Pantry

On Saturdays, September 21 and 28, The Vickery Meadow Food Pantry and Clothes Closet was delighted to have The Food Lounge youth group volunteer. The Food Lounge was established in 2021, during the pandemic when a group of friends began to notice that more and more people were experiencing food

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