Our mission is to feed, clothe and aid our neighbors in the Greater Vickery Meadow Community in a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity.


The CHALLENGE — To help meet the needs of the diverse immigrant and refugee neighbors in the Vickery Meadow Neighborhood.


IN 2009 seven faith-based organizations join forces to create the Vickery Meadow Neighborhood Alliance to help neighbors address their biggest problem, food insecurity. A food pantry is created and staffed 100% by volunteers. Neighbors receive food once a month.

IN 2012 the food pantry moves to our current location and pairs its services with the Ladies of Charity Clothes Closet. Temple Emanu-El provides fresh produce from their garden.

IN 2016 NorthPark Presbyterian joins the Alliance and provides fresh tomatoes, goods from the Reverse Food Truck and delivery of bread, milk and eggs. We serve neighbors from 75231 and 75243.

IN 2018 we expand our services to neighbors in the 75230 and 75238 zip codes.

IN 2022 to present day the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry and Clothes Closet remains open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neighbors no longer shop inside for food. Our neighbors are given pre-boxed food items with a choice of frozen protein and milk, eggs and bread. Hygiene and diaper items continue to be given when available. Due to the low cost of food items from the North Texas Food Bank, our neighbors are now eligible to receive food items once a week. Neighbors from all zip codes are served.

IN 2023 the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry and Clothes Closet experiences a surge in the number of neighbors visiting the pantry. In the first 10 months of the year, the pantry serves 69% more neighbors. In November, a decision is made to return to the four original zip codes for eligibility: 75231, 75230, 75238 and 75243.