Thank you for your interest in Volunteering!

  • We are a 100% volunteer organization.
  • In 2022, our volunteers helped over 13,186 families in the greater Vickery Meadow Community.
  • Volunteer Opportunities include: Food Stocker, Food Distribution Volunteer, Check-in Volunteer, Clothing Volunteer and more.
  • We prefer that all volunteers be vaccinated.
  • Unaccompanied volunteers must be 17 years or older.
  • Volunteers who are 13 to 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

It’s super simple to become a volunteer!


Checkout our volunteer opportunities to find
out what you are interested in and what fits your schedule.


Our volunteer coordinator will contact you to get you setup to volunteer.

Let some of our dedicated volunteers tell you why they love working
at the Vickery Meadow Food Pantry and Clothes Closet.